Setting Up Your Time Capsule
This chapter provides information and instructions for
connecting your Time Capsule to the Internet, and using
AirPort Utility to set it up to create or join a wireless network.
This chapter provides an overview of connecting your Time Capsule to the
Internet, and using the setup assistant in AirPort Utility to set up your network
and other features of your Time Capsule. For more information about wireless
networking, and for information about the advanced features of AirPort Utility,
refer to “Apple AirPort Networks” at www.apple.com/support/airport.
After you install AirPort Utility from the CD that came with your Time Capsule, you
can do most of your network setup and configuration tasks using the setup assistant
in AirPort Utility. To set advanced options, choose Manual Setup from the Base Station
menu of AirPort Utility. See “Setting Advanced Options” on page 21.

Chapter 2
Setting Up Your Time Capsule